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Frequently Asked Questions


General Questions

How may I speak to the Dean or teacher?

你可以打电话给部门办公室联系该部门的院长或讲师. 拨打(707)864-7000获取办公室和部门办公室的电话号码. You may access the "Faculty & SCC网站的“职员”页(主页左下) to find the division email and phone number.

我可以在哪里复印、打印或发传真? What is the charge?

在学生中心(1400)有一台复印和传真机供学生使用 图书馆区(100号楼)有三台复印机.) You can print at the Library computers. Please check with the staff in those areas regarding fees.


要找零钱,你可以向自助餐厅或书店的收银员查询. Go to the 学生发展办公室在1400楼,书店(自助餐厅)前面 区域)获得退款或报告故障的自动售货机.

How may I get a class schedule or catalog? What is the difference?

You may view the online class schedule at My Solano, or view the printed version online. 课程表列出了本学期可用的课程. The College 目录是一份出版物,在那里你可以得到SCC历史,使命的概述 以及目标、计划和要求、课程描述、法规和政策. It is a great reference. You can view it online at  

How may I start my online class?

 Please go to our Student Resources webpage for information on Online Courses.  


询问老师是否有空位,请他/她提供给你 您可以通过My Solano或亲自到招生办添加课程 and Records office in Building 400.  

Where may I find the Lost and Found?

如果你在校园附近丢失了财物,请到失物所在地的办公室检查. If not there, call (707) 864-7000 ext. 4367 or stop by the Student Development Center (building 1400, Cafeteria and Bookstore area).
Matriculation Questions

Do I need to complete an Admission Application? Why? Is there a fee required?

如果你是一个新的,以前的学生(一个或多个学期),或国际学生 学生们,你必须在 before you can register for classes.

如果你是一名K-12年级的学生,就读于公立或私立学校 特别录取,你必须在你的申请中提交特别录取表格. 请按连结下载及列印所需表格, Special Admission. 该计划旨在为有限的人提供丰富教育的机会 符合特殊录取标准的合格学生.

Do I need to take the Assessment Test?  Where is the Assessment Center?

新的州立法,AB705不需要英语或数学分班考试. Instead 高中GPA和个人课程成绩的信息将被用于 placement instead.

For more information please go to the Testing Center website for more information.

评估中心位于费尔菲尔德主校区的400楼, Room #442. 评估测试时间表可在网上访问 Assessment Center.

需要ESL(英语作为第二语言)的学生应该去参加测试 Center website section for ESL students for more information.

How may I get Financial Aid? Where is the Financial Aid Office?

鼓励所有学生申请众多的联邦和州财政奖学金 澳门十二生肖买马资料网站提供的援助项目.  By completing the Free Application 对于联邦学生援助(FAFSA)或更新FAFSA,学生将被自动考虑 for most federal and state programs.

费用减免计划:鼓励所有加州居民申请一个州 资助的理事会赠款(BOGG)费用减免,以满足加州社区 College mandatory enrollment fee.

经济援助办公室位于FF主校区的学生服务大楼 400. Room #425.  You may access more information online at Financial Aid.


扩展机会计划和服务(EOPS)为以下学生提供服务 在经济和教育上都处于不利地位.  Additional eligibility criteria include:
  • Be a legal resident of California.
  • Be enrolled in 12.0 semester units at Solano Community College.
  • Qualify for a Fee Waiver A or B.
  • 根据国家定义的教育法典第五章,在教育上处于劣势.
Services include assistance in transferring to four-year universities; academic, career and personal counseling; BOOK SERVICES; priority registration and EOPS grants for those who quality.  The EOPS Office is located in Building 400, Rm. 425 or you may visit online at EOPS.

Cooperative Agency Resources for Education (C.A.R.E.) Program provides additional 为EOPS学生提供的支援服务,包括协助支付托儿费用; textbooks-supplies, and transportation costs; counseling and advisement, personal development; and help from peer counselors who are often single parents.


 建议学生在每个注册期之前咨询辅导员 或者每学期一次,因为每个项目、专业和大学的要求不同 此外,这些要求可能会发生变化. The counselors 协助学生确定目标和计划方案以达到目标. 精心选课是成功大学经历的关键.  


 Counselors are available on the main campus:
  • Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
  • Friday: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm.
预约是亲自安排的,通过电话,或通过Zoom第一 come, first served basis. 每天的预约是有限的. You 如果可以的话,我可以试着在网上预约, Counseling Appointments.  


  • Travis Air Force Base
  • Vacaville Center
  • Vallejo Center

May I speak with a counselor over the phone?

 是的,快速问题可以在澳门十二生肖买马网站的快速服务时间回答.  Longer counseling 电话预约可以通过澳门十二生肖买马网站的前台或网上预约预约 system. For more information please visit the Counseling Services website. 

How may I get my transcripts?

 应书面要求,提供两(2)份正式成绩单,并签字 招生和记录主任的,将免费邮寄. Additional copies are $2 each, payable in advance. 最少需要5 - 10个工作日 for processing transcript requests. Express service (one hour maximum) is available. The cost is $7.50 per transcript. Test scores and transcripts from other colleges 不是澳门十二生肖买马资料网站成绩单的一部分,必须要求吗.

SCC成绩单的非官方副本可在以下网站访问 My Solano. 更多详细信息可在入场券上找到 & Records Transcripts page.  


 所有国际学生入学必须提交所有中学的正式成绩单 schools, universities or professional schools. Transcripts must be accompanied by an official English translation.

辅导员不评估国际成绩单. Students may choose to have 他们的国际成绩单由一家私人公司评估 a general or detailed report for a fee. A list of companies that provide that service is linked here.

How may I register (enroll) for classes?

Registration is conducted by priority.  The priority registration definitions and schedule are listed in the Schedule of Classes

我如何注册有先决条件要求的课程? How can I clear it?

 先决条件要求是必须完成的课程或同等的准备 BEFORE enrolling in another course. 学生在有先决条件的课程中注册 在满足先决条件的要求之前被阻塞. You may bring 你的正式成绩单作为入学和记录办公室的结业证明.

What is an SEP?

 An SEP is an Student Education Plan. An SEP is like a blueprint, in that it outlines 每学期的专业课程和通识教育课程. 咨询师可以根据你的学校帮助你制定一个SEP major(s) and the kind of degree to be earned. An SEP is considered a guideline for 您未来的学术规划,因此可以在必要时进行修改.  


 教师的姓名、电子邮件地址和电话号码都列在学院的名单上 website  From the homepage, click on the 'Faculty & Staff' button and then click on the appropriate 'Division' link.  
Catalog Reference Questions


澳门十二生肖买马资料网站提供的课程学位和证书列表可能 be found in the General Catalog.

What do the course numbers mean at SCC?

澳门十二生肖买马资料网站的课程编号系统分为一般课程和有限课程 每门课程在加州州立大学的可转学性.  The following 编号系统表明可转移性、信用状态或非信用状态等 related information.  有关具体转学信息,学生应咨询a 咨询师并参考潜在转学机构的目录.

Course numbering system:
  • 1-49  qualifies for the AA/AS Degree; transfer to the University of California system and the California State University system.
  • 50-99 有资格获得AA/AS学位并转入加州州立大学系统.
  • 100-199 有资格获得AA/AS学位,但通常不能转到四年制大学.
  • 300-399 不适用于AA/AS学位的学分课程.  例外:英语一级以下的一门英语课程,可用于副学士学位 Degree as an elective. Do not transfer to four-year institutions.
  • 500-599 non-credit courses.
  • 600-799  Community Service courses.  这些课程不需要学分,通常需要收费.


澳门十二生肖买马资料网站不提供这些特殊的课程,但是澳门十二生肖买马网站提供 开设以下专业:注册护理、急诊医疗技师、 CNA(注册护理助理)和医疗办公室专家. You may find out 关于提供你专业的学校的信息,请访问 Career Coach web site, the Kaiser Permanente Allied School,和/或联系您当地或附近的ROP办事处.

Does SCC offer classes for the GED completion?

SCC does not offer a GED completion program. You may check with your local Adult School. 如果你超过18岁,没有完成你的高中课程,你 是否有机会在SCC开始上课以完成证书或AA/AS degree and/or transfer to a four-year school.  You may file a SCC application for admission (,向招生办提交一份高中成绩单的正式副本 & 档案办公室,然后预约辅导员来计划你的课程.


 是的,所有新的非豁免(见下面列出的豁免标准) Matriculation任何大学第一次入学的学生,英语作为第二语言 语文或阅读课必须完成适当的测试(scheduled test session) to meet department requirements.  评估中心位于400号楼, Room #442.


 是的,澳门十二生肖买马网站提供房地产原理课程(RE 164),旨在帮助那些准备 办理房地产营业员和经纪人执照考试(请与您核对 当地县或政府办公室的要求).  


 澳门十二生肖买马网站不提供像CBEST ( or SAT ( through SCC.  
RN Program Questions


  • APPLY for admission online at (if you are not a current or former student.)
  • REQUEST 所有大学的正式成绩单都要送到索拉诺社区 大学,注意:招生和记录办公室并核实所有成绩单 have been received.

    (外国大学的成绩单必须由认证评估机构进行评估 包括一个详细的报告,区分较低和较高的划分单位值. 招生办公室有一份可接受的评估服务公司名单 and Records.)
  • After verifying ALL 你的其他大学成绩单在招生和记录办公室, VISIT 咨询办公室签到,开始你的成绩单评估过程 为了获得未来与顾问的预约,以获得潜在的转介 Registered Nursing Program.

How long is the waiting list?

You may contact the Health Sciences Department 707-864-7108 或到805号办公室(800号楼)查询等候名单.